November 28, 2015

Glamglow Thirstycleanse Nightmare

Glamglow Thirstycleanse

I recently purchased the Glamglow Thirstymud treatment at my local Sephora. At the till I was lucky enough to be given a generous amount of samples of their new cleansers. I was genuinely excited about these samples for once - Sephora, why do I always get perfume samples for men??

I picked up the treatment for my dry winter skin so I was particularly interested in trying the Thirstycleanse. It claims to be a revolutionary cleanser “designed to create a hydrated, silky, and dewy fresh complexion”. Ingredients such as Brazilian clay and green coconut water are supposed to remineralize and boost skin for intense hydration.
The subtle coconut scent surprised me as I’m used to the REN clay cleanser which smells very unpleasant. The texture of the mud is rather sticky and thick which makes it difficult to spread it evenly across the face. As soon as you add water in circular motions the cleanser gets creamier and you can easily massage it into the skin. After rinsing off the product my skin feels clean and smooth but I wouldn’t say that it is more moisturizing than other cleansers.
So far so good: it’s not a revolutionary cleanser that I need to purchase full-size for 30 €, I’m not missing out on something great if I pass.
It was only the next morning when this review had turned into a nightmare. I had a pretty painful reaction to Thirstycleanse. Around my mouth and nose my skin felt almost burnt. It was very dry and flakey, and covered in tiny little bumps. It was painful to the point where it felt like my skin might crack when I smiled.
If you have dry or sensitive skin I wouldn’t recommend this cleanser. In fact, stay as far away from it as possible!

Have you tried Thirstycleanse or Thirstymud? Let me know what you think!

November 23, 2015

10 Facts About Me

Locked away secrets

I hadn't set foot in an IKEA until the age of 20. Needless to say that I spent a lot of money on stuff that I probably didn't need.

My maths skills are pretty much non-existend. I'll be getting my phone out to calculate the price of my drink and pasta dish at the restaurant.

I don't drink alcohol or anything fizzy. So I'm the girl ordering still water on a night out. Sounds a bit lame, right? But I always joke that I drink pure vodka.

Newborn babies are scary to me. Don't make me hold a baby until it's at least 6 months old.

I'd choose a slice of cheese over a piece of chocolate any day. I could never go vegan as I wouldn't be able to give up cheese. Ever.

Pretty notebooks are one of my weaknesses: I keep buying them but never actually use them.

I love singing but I can't actually hit a single note. During a practical training at a kindergarden I've been told by one of the teachers in charge that my singing is awful. Sorry to everyone listening but I can't help myself.

Don't talk to me or ask me anything in the morning.

As a kid I wanted to be a princess, preferably a Disney princess, but a regular princess would have been alright. I gave up on that dream when William married Kate.

When I was 15 I started writing a book. I had done a lot of research, wrote down what I loved about my favorite books, started developping my characters and the storyline. I wrote about 8 pages. To be continued.

Let's all get to know each other!
Feel free to share a random fact about yourself!

November 16, 2015

My Heart goes out to Paris

After this weekends events my heart goes out to Paris, to the innocent people who lost their lives, to the people who have been injured, and to the people who lost a friend or family member.
Paris is only a train ride away from where I live. Friends and family have lived in the French capital, visited on weekends or stayed overnight for a business trip. You keep thinking what if but at the same time are relieved that everybody you know is safe. The shock however still sits deep.

With so many emotions involved people want to have somebody to blame for the tragedy. Only a couple hours after the attacks ISIS have taken claim. Terrorists are responsible for the death of innocents. Not Muslims, not Syrians, not immigrants. We can’t blame an entire religion or country for these acts of terrorism and hate.

Reacting with more hate is not the way to move forward. Spreading violence, demonstrating against immigration, burning down homes is just as awful. Don’t fight terrorism with terrorism.

While you pray for Paris I strongly urge you to also pray for the rest of the world. Unfortunately the media coverage is very selective and we don’t read much about what happens in the world far away from us. People don’t change their profile pictures for Syria or Lebanon, there are no hashtags trending or colored Opera Houses.

It seemed inappropriate to write about beauty or fashion this weekend. Even though I don’t have a large audience I think it’s important to voice your opinion.

Please be safe, stay strong and don't loose hope.

November 09, 2015

A Fresh Start

I stopped posting, thought I’d come back to it rather sooner than later. Since then days, weeks and even months have passed. I’ve come to the conclusion that the only option is a fresh start. But how do you re-launch your blog? How do you wake up Sleeping Beauty?
I’m not one to jump in head first. So the last couple of weeks have been all about planning and making decisions. First I needed to figure out if I wanted to change direction but I realized very quickly that I don’t want to be just a lifestyle blogger or a beauty blogger. I want to continue to write about what makes me happy whether that’s books, lipsticks, chocolate or grey jumpers. Do what makes you happy and write about what makes you happy. Readers will notice right away when you post something that’s halfhearted.
With that in mind I needed to figure out if I could or should hold on to the name “beauty visions”. Is that a name that truly reflects my content? It might not be but I’m not ready to let go of it, it’s where I started all these years ago. Also I don’t have to worry about changing my social media accounts. Plus anything new I came up with sounded like a very cheesy 80s song title.
Looking to the right you’ll notice that my blog archive is empty. I didn’t want the baggage of the past weigh me down. I went through all my old posts, deleting the irrelevant and embarrassing ones (like me admitting to liking One Direction back in 2011), and reverting my favorite ones to drafts. Some of these posts that I kept will pop up over the next months.
I’m so excited about finally posting again and I truly feel like this is a fresh start. For now I want to stick to uploading once or twice a week. If I can stick to that and work doesn't get in the way I'll go up to 2 posts every week.
Have a great week!

November 01, 2015

Falling out of Love

I started this blog in September 2011 when I went into my second year of University. After reading blogs and watching Youtube videos I had the urge of creating something of my own. I wanted to have my own little space of happiness on the internet. And I was so in love with it.
Now, four years later, I’m in a different place. I’m not the same person who started the cute blog with the baby blue layout, the flowers and bumblebees in the background. I’ve done a lot of growing up, made difficult decisions in my personal and professional life, picked myself up after a rough patch. Through all of that I’ve desperately tried to hang on to my little happy place on the internet.
The relationship status between me and my beloved blog can be described as “critical”. I have neglected it over the last couple of years and despite numerous attempts I haven’t been able to save it. Life has gotten in the way and I have to admit that sadly I’ve fallen out of love with blogging. It hasn’t been enjoyable lately and I wasn’t able to put in the energy and dedication that it deserves.
This is not me breaking up with my blog though.  This is me preparing for a fresh start.

To be continued …
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